If you are an air traveler, this hotels directory is a great resource for locating hotels closest to Haines Airport in Haines, AK. Staying near Haines Airport in Haines, AK is important to many travelers. We hope you find this directory of hotels near Haines Airport a helpful resource whether your trip is for vacation or business travel. Enjoy your visit to Haines!

Hotels Closest To Haines Airport - Haines Alaska

Halsingland Hotel
13 Fort Seward Drive
Haines, AK 99827
3.10 miles from Haines Airport
Nightly Rates: ( 127.10 - 139.00 )
3 Star
Haines only full service hotel featuring 60 rooms. Located in historic Fort Seward, these Victorian structures were originally the Commanding Officers Quarters and are now a National Historic Landmark. Most rooms offer private baths, some with the or

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