
Hotel Maps Help

The Hotel Maps are easy to use, but in case you don’t want to play around to find out all they can do, here are some instructions.

You can use your mouse to scroll a hotel map right or left. Just put the mouse cursor on the map, hold in the mouse button and drag the map.

You can zoom in and out by clicking on the gauges to the left.

The map, satellite, and hybrid views give you different views. The map is your more traditional map view, while the satellite and hybrid views offer snapshots as though you were flying over the area.

Each of the little balloons have information about that point on the map. These include links to details about that map point.

To the right, try clicking on the different links.

Click on Refresh in order to recenter a hotel map, or do a fast double-click wherever you wan to center the map.



If pages do not open or open slowly:
If maps do not open after 30 seconds, make sure you have enabled javascript.

If pages open slowly:
Some browsers work much faster than others.
If your browser is Internet Explorer, you may be able to speed it up. Some people changed the default setting from automatic to every visit to the page. Here is how to You can set it back to automatic:
Click on Tools, then Internet Options, then Settings. If anything other than automatic is checked, change it to automatic, then click OK.
As long as you have javascript enabled, the map should eventually open. If it is really slow, and your computer is always slow, (other than upgrading your computer, software, or internet carrier) you can still find hotels by going to the home page and selecting one of the states for a state index:
Example: Florida Hotels

Marker is in the ocean off the coast of Africa??
In total, there are over 20,000 locations with markers, and almost all are reasonably accurate. Most of the markers are generated from data feeds by staff at the hotels. Occasionally, a hotel manager skips this input, the default geographic coordinate is 0.0, 0.0, which is located in the atlantic ocean off the coast of Africa. As hotel management learns of the importance of good geographic coordinates to travelers, they will eventually do a much better job.



To return to a map you were viewing, click the back arrow in your browser. If you have javascript enabled, the button above should take you back from whence you came.

If not, click the back arrow in your browser.

Hotel Maps home page

Copyright 2006 AeroScore, Inc. dba Hotel Maps USA, Raleigh NC - All rights reserved. The contents of this web site are protected by international copyright laws. Do not copy, duplicate, or otherwise steal from this site. To contact AeroScore for your web design needs or to inquire about hotel maps , please visit