Ah-Tha-Thi-Ki Museum & Nearby HotelsFind hotels and motels close to Ah-Tha-Thi-Ki Museum in Clewiston FL. Includes other nearby cities with accomodations. To easily find the hotel closest to Ah-Tha-Thi-Ki Museum check out the Ah-Tha-Thi-Ki Museum Hotels Map. |
You can't always count on the weather, so knowing where there are nearby museums is terrific for travelers to any city. Museums are often an easy way to discover more about the area you are visiting. This hotels directory is a great resource for locating hotels near Ah-Tha-Thi-Ki Museum in Clewiston, FL.
Best Western Of Clewiston
1020 West Sugarland
Clewiston, FL 33440
0.51 miles from Ah-Tha-Thi-Ki Museum
Nightly Rates: ( 80.10 - 89.00 )
3 Star
Discover the Best Western of Clewiston located on the southwest shore of Lake Okeechobee, the second largest freshwater lake in the United States. We are located near waterways, which connect the lake to both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites CLEWISTON
Clewiston, FL 33440
0.51 miles from Ah-Tha-Thi-Ki Museum
Nightly Rates: ( 107.10 - 139.00 )
3 Star
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